
My job allows me to visit a lot of Alaska on a yearly basis. I wanted to capture the trips in one location!

Dutch Harbor / Unalaska the port was as busy, ever in February!

Feb. 19/20 (21)

When you land and get off the plane in Unalaska you are happy to stretch your legs and be on solid ground.  It took over 3 hours to get here with a stop along the way in Cold Bay for fuel. The planes are smaller and the bathroom on them give a new meaning to ‘feeling like a sardine in a tin can”.

My friend was there greet me and the first person I met with long time Mayor Shirley Marquardt.  That’s how the day continued.  Meeting a lot of folks and exploring the beauty of the island.

This is the #1 fishing port in the United States for seafood landings and the docks are almost non stop with over 700 million pounds of fish and crab go through there per year.  Because of all this fish/crab work there are eagles EVERYWHERE and they are the biggest eagles I have ever seen.

The community here is so diverse, options for meals out offer great options and king crab is on every menu!  I don’t know if you can ever get sick of those big rich bites of king crab!

I ended up spending an extra day/night because the pilot of my plane called in sick and there was no room on any other flight.  It wasn’t the worst place I have ever been stuck!  That allowed me to explore a bit more.

I enjoyed the visit and hope to be invited back again!


the Cathedral of the Holy Ascension of Christ; the oldest cruciform style Orthodox church in N. America!


taken from my hotel window, he stayed out there for a few hours and would stare at me when I came to the window!


the view as I was landing!

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